Saturday, April 2, 2011

I Don't know what to post!

As the title states, I don't what to post! But remember, My birthday is coming up, April 9th. What? a little self promotion never hurts.
Don't forget to follow!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

RV trip

Okay s for Spring break my family is taking an RV trip around *CENSORED FOR STALKERS*. We'll either come back one big family or four unhappy people. My friend Ryan says RV stands for Ruined vacation. HA! Wish me luck.
 Also My birthday is coming up, just FYI.  Follow my blog to your heart's content!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Link day returns!

That's right folks, here on operation awesome we like to share a website with you every sunday! Todays website is the NLcast network! Some of my favorite podcasts are those put out on the NLcast network. May I suggest my favorite podcast, Nobody's listening. Thanks for putting up with my blog one more day ladies and gentlemen! And please check out the site!