Friday, July 1, 2011

Random Facts day 2

The numbers '172' can be found on the back of the U.S. $5 dollar bill in the bushes at the base of the Lincoln Memorial.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Dumb cat

A stray cat which I am calling barbecue has wondered into our back yard and appears to be sticking around for awhile. While I may be calling the cat dumb and threatening to throw him off the deck, I've got to admit, that is one cute cat.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Random Facts days I

From this day on to whenever I stop being lazy and come up with some real content for the blog is random facts days.

If you have 3 quarters, 4 dimes, and 4 pennies, you have $1.19. You also have the largest amount of money in coins without being able to make change for a dollar.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

ho hum

I will be ho humming today as I can't think of anything to blog about so go ho hum this!

Friday, June 3, 2011

iTunes is on crack?!?!

Yes title, that's right, iTunes is on crack, without boring you by going into specicfic details, iTunes does all kinds of things, I'm hoping it wasn't designed to do, such as- well I said I wouldn't go into details, so I won't. Have a nice day!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Well, I guess this is it.
I'm not quite sure what that meant.
Oh okay.
I've been working on some stuff for the blog and the youtube page though.
Oh that's cool.
Yeah my channel still looks like junk though.
Heck yeah it does!
Well I guess that pretty much wraps it up for today. I wanted to give the people something.
You have to give them something.
Well, see you guys later.
Hey That's my line!
I took it.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I relize that lately, I've been saying I will do stuff more than actually doing stuff. I'm about to do it again. I'm thinking about starting a webcomic in relation with the blog, I've already got character's and one or two comics drawn out. Let me know what you think! and don't forget to follow! While I'm thinking of webcomics, I'm going to link you to one of my favorite ones.
Tell them I sent you!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I'm having a lot of fun playing the flash portal game. And I will soon buy Portal for the PC. Just a quick update. Have fun with the game. If you want to donate money to my portal fund, email me.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Why haven't I posted in forever?

Well, the answer to that question is...
Choose one of the following answers that satifies yourself the most! :)
B)Didn't feel like it
D)Computer crashed
E)I got hacked
F)I was in Canada
G)I was on a secret mission with the CIA
H)I was abducted by alein chipmuncks
I)I was in the hospital
J)I died

In all seriousness, sorry I haven't posted in a while, I promise I'm working on some fun and cool stuff.
Please Follow so the alein chipmuncks will release me!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Operation Awesome Studios

OpErAtIoN aWeSoMe! studios.
I have made a youtube channel for Operation Awesome! It's called OpAwesomeStudios. There are currently NO videos, but I plan on making at least one soon.  I'm not even going to give you a link yet because I haven't done A THING with it yet!
Follow here:

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Here's A creepy anamatronic talking coaco bean I took a video of at a chocholate factory.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Ian!

I haven't been doing as much fun stuff lately and I promise I'll get back to that after I wish myself a happy 13th birthday!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

New Laptop!

I got a laptop for my birthday for only $50 from my Aunt Beth! Thanks Aunt Beth! It's an acer running XP, at times, it's slow, but It's a computer none the less!
Still no followers!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Awesome site!

Alright I know it's not link day, but I'm guessing you'll forgive me after I share this awesome site with you! Sillof's Workshop makes all kinds of cool figures and some other stuff too! My favorites are definitely the star wars ones! Amazing! Brilliant! Too many adjectives!
Please Follow or the Time-traveling ninja-zombie ewoks with afros will hunt me down. It's for a good cause!
One more thing, spell check wants me to capitalize afros, anyone know anything about that?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

I Don't know what to post!

As the title states, I don't what to post! But remember, My birthday is coming up, April 9th. What? a little self promotion never hurts.
Don't forget to follow!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

RV trip

Okay s for Spring break my family is taking an RV trip around *CENSORED FOR STALKERS*. We'll either come back one big family or four unhappy people. My friend Ryan says RV stands for Ruined vacation. HA! Wish me luck.
 Also My birthday is coming up, just FYI.  Follow my blog to your heart's content!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Link day returns!

That's right folks, here on operation awesome we like to share a website with you every sunday! Todays website is the NLcast network! Some of my favorite podcasts are those put out on the NLcast network. May I suggest my favorite podcast, Nobody's listening. Thanks for putting up with my blog one more day ladies and gentlemen! And please check out the site!


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cool Music

I found this video earlier today:
Pretty cool huh?
Well, that video reminded me of techno jeep by, the amazing, Julian Smith if you haven't seen that click here!
Still working on the upgrades! Don't forget the follow button! Remember the first 10 followers get a surprise that I don't even know about yet!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Overwhelmed.. okay not so much now.

I am kind of overwhelmed right now because I just thought about what I want to do with the blog and it sounds pretty awesome but it will take some work. One thing I just did is I added is a gadget that you, the veiwer, can use to follow me and be updated when I update. It is basically an RSS feed which I talked about yesterday. Two ways you can follow me.

1.Go to sidebar and find the textbox under the search box that says "Follow by email" (in the orange circle) and type in your email and you're ready to go! Option two only works if you have this. On my computer there is a little orange symbol that looks like the one to the left. this is the RSS symbol, look for this in the bar with the tabs (where the red circle is). click on this button and fill it out however you'd like. Good Luck. and please follow! I wish I could give some sort of prize to the first ten people or so who follow without having to send anything to anyone. Maybe I'll just mention your names in the next post and maybe later on do something. Thanks for reading everything! I'll return later with my usual random and fun content!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

RSS Feed

I'm working on getting an RSS feed for the blog so you can subscribe rather than just following. Well, I actually haven't done anything yet but I'm planning to anyway. If you do not know what an RSS feed is check out this wikipedia page. And if that makes your brain hurt, it sure makes mine hurt, just understand that it is a way that by subscribing, you can choose to be let know by email or other ways such as, when a blog, podcast, etc. is updated. That's my my best definition.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I had something for today...

but my notes got lost and I'm too lazy to google it. So Here's whatever's on my clipboard! (Whatever I last copied or cut for non-geeks)
It's Munchlax! Don't ask.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Life's too short for the wrong job

check out these amazing ads!
Sorry I couldn't get the pictures on the blog without taking up too much space but here's the link! :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pop Quiz #2 Answer

Last post I asked you to guess who this was and the answer is C. An android robot thing.
The full picture is above and here is the rest of the article:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pop Quiz #2

Who is this?
A) The actor playing the role of danny phantom in the new live-action nickelodeon movie.
B) Your mom
C) A robot, android thing.
D) A stock picture.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Check this out!

Check out this sweet picture I made last year but never put on the net. (George I hope you see this).

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Did anyone figure out what what I was talking about last blog post? I never did.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


well, I guess so. but only if I give the signal. The signal? The hippo will scream. How? Why, I'll poke it of course.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Link day!

I missed posting on sunday so here's your link for today!
It's an art tripute site to Buzz Lightyear! enjoy!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


EPIC: a very mis-used and over-used word. I will admit guilty to mis-using it, but we should put an end to it! You do not describe a hot dog as epic, you describe an ultimite battle as epic! In my epic pocket dictionary it descibes epic as a long poem about a hero's deeds. This definition, of course, is the noun, I'm talking about the usage of the word epic as an adjetive, the definition for the adjetive does, however come in relation, and very well might come from the noun's definition. The adjetive means (drum roll please) heroic. Now, sue me if I'm wrong, but I highly doubt your hot dog is heroic. Here are some wrong and right examples of epicness.
Okay, forget it, all I find when type epic into google images are girls with big boozums and epic failures. So there you have it, the truth, even if you can't handle it. By the way, I've made one mis-use of the word epic in this post find it, comment telling me what it was, and you get a gold star!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Decipher this

Thoos oos oo loongoooogoo oo loornood froom Joonny, Thoo Roomoon Noooodloo's woofoo (Thoo Roomoon Noooodloo oos oo poodcoostoor. Oo loornood thoos froom hoor whooloo oot oonoo oof thoo loovoo shoows foor Thoo Roomoon Noooodloo. Shoo crooootood oot soo thoot shoo coooold coomoonoocootoo wooth Doonyooloo, Thoo Roomoon Noooodloo woothoooot oonoooonoo oolsoo knoowoong whoot shoo woos sooyoong, oobvoooooosloo, oot doodn't woork voory wooll, wooll oot dood foor oothroos, boot oo foogoorood oot oooot oos soooon oos shoo toold moo oot woos soocroot coodoo. Thoo loongoooogoo oos coollood broooodoosh, yoooo loooorn oot froom brooood. Oof yoooo hoovoo doocoophoorood thoo loogoooogoo, yoooo moost koooop oot oo soocroot! Oojs fooj oocj oofoosjood oosood foohsdoosnmdc soooooo. Oo hoopoo yoooo doodn't troo too rooood thoot loost soontooncoo, oo joost poot thoot oon thooroo too coonfoosoo soomooboodoo! Hoo hoo! Soo yoooo toomooroow!

Monday, January 24, 2011


Crizzle: adjective/noun/exlamation Krizz-uhl Synonom: Crap
Ex.  Adjective: You look like Crizzle. Noun: That's a peice of crizzle Exlamation: Aw, Krizzle!
Credit of the word goes to James Kennison, Podcaster.
The reason I brought this up is because I'm feeling like Crizzle. I have a cold. There's your blog for today! bye!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Since Sundays are lazy and I usually don't feel like doing much, Sundays for the blog I'm going to share a website.
Todays website is:
Lego A Day! Everyday this genius uploads a new picture of legos in the real world! Enjoy!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Where did I do my research?

Okay, Let me fix something stupid I did. Yesterday's post was pointless because that book was actually right! Some blacks did fight in the confederacy! they were sometimes forced to and some actually thought it was better the way it was! Conclusion: every website and the newsweek magizine I got this from were all wrong that it was falsely stated.
Thanks dad for clearing up the truth!
Hope you enjoyed the hitory lesson see you next time!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Where'd they do their research?

A text book in Virginia states that the blacks fought for the confederacy in the civil war. If you don't know what's wrong with this, I recommend going back to forth grade.
Fourth-Grade Textbook Claims 'Thousands of Blacks' Fought for Confederacy

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Been a While...

For today I've put together a list of things that haven't happened in a while
Been a while...
since my last blog post
since a president improved something
since Disney has taken over and ruined a company that was just fine as it was
since George Lucas had a sense of what over doing it is
since a movie came out that wasn't a sequel, remake, or movie made out of book
since I said, "that's it for today. Bye"