Saturday, April 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Ian!

I haven't been doing as much fun stuff lately and I promise I'll get back to that after I wish myself a happy 13th birthday!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

New Laptop!

I got a laptop for my birthday for only $50 from my Aunt Beth! Thanks Aunt Beth! It's an acer running XP, at times, it's slow, but It's a computer none the less!
Still no followers!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Awesome site!

Alright I know it's not link day, but I'm guessing you'll forgive me after I share this awesome site with you! Sillof's Workshop makes all kinds of cool figures and some other stuff too! My favorites are definitely the star wars ones! Amazing! Brilliant! Too many adjectives!
Please Follow or the Time-traveling ninja-zombie ewoks with afros will hunt me down. It's for a good cause!
One more thing, spell check wants me to capitalize afros, anyone know anything about that?