Thursday, January 27, 2011


EPIC: a very mis-used and over-used word. I will admit guilty to mis-using it, but we should put an end to it! You do not describe a hot dog as epic, you describe an ultimite battle as epic! In my epic pocket dictionary it descibes epic as a long poem about a hero's deeds. This definition, of course, is the noun, I'm talking about the usage of the word epic as an adjetive, the definition for the adjetive does, however come in relation, and very well might come from the noun's definition. The adjetive means (drum roll please) heroic. Now, sue me if I'm wrong, but I highly doubt your hot dog is heroic. Here are some wrong and right examples of epicness.
Okay, forget it, all I find when type epic into google images are girls with big boozums and epic failures. So there you have it, the truth, even if you can't handle it. By the way, I've made one mis-use of the word epic in this post find it, comment telling me what it was, and you get a gold star!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Decipher this

Thoos oos oo loongoooogoo oo loornood froom Joonny, Thoo Roomoon Noooodloo's woofoo (Thoo Roomoon Noooodloo oos oo poodcoostoor. Oo loornood thoos froom hoor whooloo oot oonoo oof thoo loovoo shoows foor Thoo Roomoon Noooodloo. Shoo crooootood oot soo thoot shoo coooold coomoonoocootoo wooth Doonyooloo, Thoo Roomoon Noooodloo woothoooot oonoooonoo oolsoo knoowoong whoot shoo woos sooyoong, oobvoooooosloo, oot doodn't woork voory wooll, wooll oot dood foor oothroos, boot oo foogoorood oot oooot oos soooon oos shoo toold moo oot woos soocroot coodoo. Thoo loongoooogoo oos coollood broooodoosh, yoooo loooorn oot froom brooood. Oof yoooo hoovoo doocoophoorood thoo loogoooogoo, yoooo moost koooop oot oo soocroot! Oojs fooj oocj oofoosjood oosood foohsdoosnmdc soooooo. Oo hoopoo yoooo doodn't troo too rooood thoot loost soontooncoo, oo joost poot thoot oon thooroo too coonfoosoo soomooboodoo! Hoo hoo! Soo yoooo toomooroow!

Monday, January 24, 2011


Crizzle: adjective/noun/exlamation Krizz-uhl Synonom: Crap
Ex.  Adjective: You look like Crizzle. Noun: That's a peice of crizzle Exlamation: Aw, Krizzle!
Credit of the word goes to James Kennison, Podcaster.
The reason I brought this up is because I'm feeling like Crizzle. I have a cold. There's your blog for today! bye!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Since Sundays are lazy and I usually don't feel like doing much, Sundays for the blog I'm going to share a website.
Todays website is:
Lego A Day! Everyday this genius uploads a new picture of legos in the real world! Enjoy!